Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Home At Last

I made it home!

The flight back was great. I sat with Mary Grace and Mattson, and we talked, napped, watched movies, etc. for the whole 8.5 hour flight. Then Mary Grace ended up being on my flight to Charlotte! We had a great time just talking about how excited we were to see our families, going over memories from the trip, and thinking about future plans at Furman! We parted ways in Charlotte, which was sad, but we were both exhausted and ready to be home. My whole family met me at the airport! It was so good to hug everyone. I joked around with Roecker while waiting on my bags, which was fun.

One of my bags didn't come in, and I saw an airline worker across the way. I stood there for a few minutes thinking, Ok, how do I ask about my bag in French? and formulating a question. Then I remembered I was in Alabama! (And thankfully my bag made it the next day!)

It has been so wonderful to be home. I love spending time with my family and enjoying the Christmas season!

This is the end of my Brussels blog! Its crazy to look back on all the memories made. I am so thankful for my time in Brussels, for the dear friends I made, for the places I got to see. There are so many wonderful experiences that I know I will never forget!

I will be picking back up my "regular" blog from this point on. 

So long, farewell, Brussels!